Polka Dot Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bar


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MedicalĀ  Benefits of Polka Dot Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bar


Polka Dot Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bar :People suffering from depression, anxiety, and PTSD benefit from chocolate mushroom bars. Polkadots chocolate bars include medicinal and therapeutic properties. This makes it acceptable in most parts of the world, although customers should avoid abusing the product.

You may buy high-quality polkadot chocolate bars straight from us and have an unforgettable experience.

Psilocybin chocolate bars with polka dots,

California polka dot mushroom chocolate,



Polka Dot Brand Psilocybin Magic Mushroom Belgian Chocolate Bars contain four grams of magic mushrooms. After 20-30 minutes of consumption, you will notice a distortion of space and time, dazzling and beautiful colours, visual distortions, mystical experiences, euphoria and pleasure, and the delicious taste of the different varieties of Belgian Chocolate. Psilocybin, sometimes known as Magic Mushrooms, has several health advantages. To begin with, it might be used to treat depression, PTSD, and substance addictions such as cigarettes, narcotics, and alcohol.

It’s worth noting that the mushroom experience comes and goes in waves. This is especially noticeable at the end of your journey. At hour five, it may feel like your trip is done, especially in comparison to the intensity of your peak, but then another wave of the psychedelic experience might wash over you. So, in the end, be kind with yourself and don’t rush back to normalcy. Allow the mushrooms’ tide to naturally recede.

Polka Dot Brand Psilocybin Magic Mushroom Belgian Chocolate Bars are available here


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