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How much Dose ?

Low: 25–100 µg
Medium (Our Product): 100–250 µg
High: 250 – 350 µg
Heavy: 350+ µg

where-to-buy-lysergic-acid U.K 


Lysergic acid diethylamide


LSD typically sold  in  liquid  form or applied to blotter papers, sugar cubes, gelatin squares, and
tablets. . LSD blotters are sold according to tabs which are counted as small squares of this buy LSD infused blotting paper. **100 Tabs** Each sheet is made of 100tabs (10×10).LSD Tabs(Acid Blotters) 200ug where to buy​ in  uk BUY LSD ONLY DISCREETLY IN UK


Drug class: Hallucinogen (serotonergic psychedelic)
Other names: LSD, LSD-25, Acid, Delysid, others
Duration of action: 8–12 hours
Onset of action: 30–40 minutes
Elimination half-life: 3.6 hours
Metabolism: Liver (CYP450)

How do the effects Come  in?

Start: 30–90 min
Peak: 2–3 hours
Duration: 9–12 hours

The START time  stated above is when you actually begin to feel the mind blowing effects of purchase LSD from the time when you first ingest it.  after which the effects will start to wind down and you might start to feel the calm-down/comedown effects.

Effects Of USING LSD

The physical effects of LSD are unpredictable from one person to another . when taken orally ( by mouth) the first effects of the drug are felt 30 to 45 minutes after taking it, peak at 2 to 4 hours of consumption .

How much Dose ?

Low: 25–100 µg
Medium (Our Product): 100–250 µg
High: 250 – 350 µg
Heavy: 350+ µg

where-to-buy-lysergic-acid U.K 

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